Lake User Consultation Meeting (Diversity II Inland waters and GloboLakes)
The Lake User Consultation Meeting jointly organized by the Diversity II and GloboLakes projects in Frascati (Italy) on May 19-20 was a great success thanks to the valuable support by all participants. Talks by biodiversity specialists, representatives of national environmental agencies and remote sensing specialists prepared the ground for discussions on the further development of inland water specific value added products and higher order indicators from EO data. In addition, a hands-on tutorial was held with the current monthly and yearly Diversity II water quality products. General conclusions for the further continuation of Diversity II and GloboLakes are:
- Trends in water quality and phenology parameters can be resolved by the EO products, which provide for sparsely monitored lake ecosystems a unique view on recent environmental changes.
- The primary production of a lake is the prime ecology and eutrophication indicator, and a key parameter in estimating ecosystem biodiversity potential. Information on Chl a concentration and portion cyanobacteria, provided by the EO products, support the estimation of primary production. This is considered the key information required by lake managers and biodiversity experts to support their work.
- The presented monthly and yearly products bear a large potential for various user groups. They will be used by user communities to gain experience and for providing recommendations for future evolution.
- The ingestion in ecosystem models should be considered to verify the relationship between the retrieved water quality parameters and population dynamics the distribution of species and habitats in freshwaters.
The presentations will be published here soon...
Lake User Consultation Meeting Agenda
Invitation flyer
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